01 Jan 2005 in Review
One of my favorite mottos is a line from the show, RENT. It states, " ...
One of my favorite mottos is a line from the show, RENT. It states, " ...
I'm getting "there." I'm not "there" yet, but I know that I'm on my way. Mark my words. This year has been a 365 day pathway to bigger and better things. I've accomplished a lot.Ā I've done a lot.Ā And, I'm proud of a lot.I booked a jobĀ reporting for...
I'm a very impressionable person. Lasting moments (good or bad) seem to linger in my conscience. Once, I read a quote that stated, "Every thought in any situation we encounter becomes a permanent part of our character." The experiences of 2003 have left impressions with me that will...
I've always believed in making the most of what I have. I 2002, I had time. I believe that I've made the most of that. With this "time" I discovered my new favorite food: Brazilian, perfected my own rendition of Enrique Iglesias' "Hero" and helped a little boy...
I have become resolved to the fact that my main goal in life is to establish memories through various experiences. Fortunately this year has only added weight to the memories of yesteryear. I have been blessed. And, I think that you'll agree that 2001 has given me many opportunities...
I can't believe that we are officially in the millennium. This is the start of a new century, a new time, and a new life. This is also the start of new experiences and avenues for me to explore. This year was my first year in Las Vegas...